How to use the spring parts
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  • Date : 2023-01-10
      The spring uses the elasticity and structural characteristics of the material to causing deformation when they are working, then transform mechanical energy or moving energy into deformation energy, or transform deformation energy into machnaical engergy or moving energy。Due to this characteristics, it is suitable for:
  1.Cushion or damping, such as support spring of crusher and suspension spring of vehicle etc.
  2.Mechanical energy storage, such as the original spring on clocks, instruments and automatic control mechanism
  3.Control movement, such as the srping on valves, clutches, brakes.
  4.Force measuring devices, such as the springs on spring scales and dynamometers.
  5、In addition, a variety of springs are also used in mechanical equipment, household electronic appliances and daily necessities, such as nut lock spring washers, snap rings for positioning parts on the shaft, door opening and closing devices, and toy springs etc.



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